Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let's just call this post...Long Overdue

  Okay, so it's been far too long since I posted, but I think for a while there I may have been over-thinking this whole blogging thing.  You see - I wanted the perfect thing to write about and well...that really doesn't matter now does it?  I did call the blog, "The Real World - Porlier Style", so if the post happens to be a little on the boring/snoring side, then I guess that's just my life and DEAL WITH IT! just kidding ;o)
  Since I last wrote, we have had a couple of doctor's appointments and am now creeping up on 39 weeks pregnant (on Monday).  I can't believe how the time has just flown by.  It seems like yesterday that I was telling Mike that we were expecting and now I have this 6 or so lbs baby just waiting for God to say, "It's Time."  As of late, I have had a plethora of emotions from really excited, to crying in fear of not being a good mother.  If you know me, then you know that I like to plan and I also tend to worry - A LOT!  So, just sitting by the way side waiting for Jaques arrival is kind of driving me nuts.  Mike would insert here and say, "Literally".  Besides the emotional roller coaster ride; I have been feeling pretty good.  The only pregnancy ailments that I have experienced have been acid reflux, tendinitis, and a little bit of hip pain.  Overall, I would have to say that I have had a fairly text book pregnancy. Praise the Lord!  Jaques has been doing great, as well. As I mentioned earlier, he is roughly 6 or so pounds, which was verified via an ultrasound.  We are friends with the ultrasound tech and so she "snuck" us in for a couple pics.  Not of the best quality pics, because he is snug as a bug in a rug, but nonetheless, we got to get a glimpse of the little guy again. Sooo exciting!  He is currently chillin' in the head down position and can really pack on a punch, which unlike many other pregnant mommy-2-be's out there; I really, really, really enjoy all of the movement that I have been feeling even this late in the game.  Though sometimes painful punches and kicks, it is the most awesome thing to experience and something that I think I will really miss.  Jaques heartbeat as of yesterday was in the 130's which is right on target.  The doctor said that he is pretty comfortable in there.  My stomach has expanding so much that Mike actually made a comment that I was looking kind of looking "flat" chested.  Now, that one's funny!!!!!So...I had to see for myself and had him take a picture.  See below. I wouldn't exactly say flat, but that's one big tummy!

38 weeks, 3 days

Well, that's it for now and maybe next time I will have pictures of Jaques for you...maybe...... Enjoy the pic and I promise to post more often (okay, Carley :-) )

- Kara

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