Monday, June 28, 2010


Changes are on the horizon. Some good and some bad, but changes nonetheless.

First off; I recently had a mole removed from my left upper thigh. It was sent to pathology and the first report indicated that it was melanoma, so it was sent on to The University of Michigan for their review of it. They indicated that it was inflamed spitzoid dysplastic compound nevus, moderate atypia and recommended that margins be taken (thus remove more of the flesh around where the mole was) in order to prevent the possibility that the area could turn into cancer. So, that is just what I had done on Friday. I am so thankful that it was not melanoma. I have a new understanding of the dangers of indoor tanning, as that is the ONLY factor that would have led to this. I would like to strongly recommend anyone reading this to avoid the indoor tanning salons and to wear 30+ sunscreen. I have included a picture of my leg after surgery not to gross you out, but to just imagine if this would have been on my face, or worse yet had been cancer. I will now have a 2 inch scar and possible divot reminder that the tan is just not worth the possible consequences.

The next bit of change comes to us not as much of a surprise, but a new challenge. I learned that as of July 2nd that I will be losing my unemployment. I have yet to find a suitable job and have become accustomed to being a stay at home mommy. Though I have been diligent in my search for a job, I have not been offered any opportunities. This will be a bit of a struggle for us financially. I am working on a budget today, but can already tell you that I will need to take just about any job soon, as we don't want to deplete our savings. I am struggling with the idea of not being at home with Jaques. I know that I have been more than blessed to have had the opportunity thus far to be home with Jaques these past 9 months. He brings an abundant amount of joy to our lives, which brings me to the next change.

We had a whole week of milestones with Jaques. He started saying "Ba-Ba" on Tuesday night and then by Thursday he was saying, "Da-Da". Sunday, I happened to capture him taking his first steps unassisted behind his little bike. Below is a video of Jaques showing off his new moves. It won't be long before he is walking by himself....

Please be in prayer for God's direction for our lives financially and that the path be clear to us. We appreciate you following our journey with us!

Love, Kara

1 comment:

  1. I loved the movie! He is such a cutie!

    Love you all,
